Introduction - TR-01-220017Introduction (cont.) - TR-01-220018Overview of the Laboratory Facilty Concrete fixed bedSand moveable bedCoordinate systemWave GeneratorsInstrumentation BridgeWave gauges - TR-01-220025Acoustic-doppler velocitimetersFigure 8. Beach profile indicator resting on sand beach with facility drainedLateral BoundariesFigure 9. View of the LSTF from inside the data acquisition and control roomLongshore Current Recirculation SystemFigure 10. Seven types of longshore current recirculation systemsSystem RequirementsNumerical Simulation of Longshore CurrentValidation using dye measurementsInfluence of wave heightFigure 11. Influence of wave height on required longshore current distributionDesign Parameters - TR-01-220037Design wave conditionAllowance for variable water levelDesign Pumping CapacityDesign of System ComponentsVertical turbine pumps and motorsVariable speed motor controllersPiping systemFlow measurement systemFlow channel and intake systemCalibration and TestingFigure 19. System No. 10: Relationship between pump discharge and frequency of the motor controllerPumping steadiness and measurement repeatabilitySummary - TR-01-220050Sediment Trapping and Dredging SystemsDesign of Sediment Trapping SystemTrap support frames and degrees of freedomLoad cells and design capacitiesFigure 22. Stainless steel, splash-proof load cells are bolted to the bottom of the support frames to support the sediment trapsSealing the perimeter of the trapsDredging SystemFigure 24. Statistical parameters normalized by the average value in the time series, obtained from each load cell during tare-weight tests conducted with the traps empty and the facility drainedFigure 25. Standard deviation of load cell readings measured during tare-weight tests conducted with the traps empty and the facility drainedTests with the facility full of waterSummary - TR-01-220061Figure 26. Standard deviation of load cell readings measured during dynamic performance tests with empty traps using both regular and irregular waves Beach Morphology ControlFigure 27. Sand is removed from a temporary storage area, located in the updrift, offshore corner of the facilityFigure 29. Stainless steel rods are permanently installed every 1.0 m along the updrift side of the bridgeFigure 31. Fine-tuning of the initial beach profile is achieved using a hand held shovel and rake, especially in regions where it is difficult to use the tractor, such as the steep front slope of the foreshore bermAdjustable Boundary ElevationFigure 34. The elevation of the lateral boundaries is adjusted using bricks.Summary - TR-01-220069Experiment Control, Data Acquisition, and Analysis PackagesFigure 35. Main panel of the MTS control software (Permission to reprint granted by MTS Systems Corp.)GEDAP Synthesis and Analysis PackageGEDAP Synthesis and Analysis Package (Cont.)Figure 36. Block diagram of the GEDAPTM system of the Canadian Hydraulics Centre (Miles 1997) (Permission to reprint granted by Canadian Hydraulics Centre)Display System for ADV Digital DataFigure 37. On-line documentation listing the program classes and subroutine libraries of GEDAPTM system of the Canadian Hydraulics Centre (Miles 1997) (Permission to reprint granted by Canadian Hydraulics Centre)Control System for Vertical Turbine PumpsData Acquisition System for Flow MetersSummary - TR-01-220079Wave Generation and Current RecirculationSynthesis of regular wave drive signalsSynchronization of wave generatorsGenerating wavesCurrent RecirculationTable 3. Calculation of Discharge Rates for 20 Vertical Turbine PumpsSetting the speed of the pumpsSummary - TR-01-220087Sensor Calibration, Measurement, and Data Analysis Figure 40. Measurement of wave, current, and sediment concentration dataCalibration of wave gaugesMeasurement of wavesFigure 42. Data recorder panel in the MTS control software (Permission to reprint granted by MTS Systems Corp.)Analysis of wavesCalibration of ADVsFigure 43. Relationship between the output voltage range from the ADVs and the range of the A/D converters with respect to engineering unitsMeasurement of currentsQuality of current dataAnalysis of currentsAnalysis of currents (Cont.)Sediment Concentration DataFigure 47. Calibration results for FOBS No. 1 on Vertical Array No. 1Measurement of sediment concentrationAnalysis of sediment concentrationCalibration of beach profile indicatorFigure 49. Calibration of beach profiler indicator is verified on benchmarkMeasurement of beach profilesFigure 51. Operation panel in the MTS control software for the fully automated bathymetric survey system (Permission to reprint granted by MTS Systems Corp.Analysis of beach profilesSediment Trap DataMeasurement of sediment trap dataMeasurement of sediment trap data (Cont.)Figure 52. Average sediment trap weights for Test1H_Case2, showing the amount of sand that had accumulated on the neoprene rubber sealsAnalysis of sediment trap dataFigure 54. Instantaneous submerged weight of Sediment Trap No. 2 during the first 2 hr of test segment Test1H_Case2Water Level ControlSummary - TR-01-220116Establishing Uniform Longshore CurrentsFigure 55. Oblique view of the Large-scale Sediment Transport Facility (regular wave experiment)Measurement MethodologyProcedure for Tuning the Longshore Current - TR-01-220120Iterative examination of the longshore current distributionFigure 57. Progression of pump settings for regular wave experimentsFigure 58. Test 6D under-pumping: Measured longshore current distirbution at Y 19, 27, and 35 mFigure 60. Test 6N proper pumping: Measured longshore current distribution at Y = 19, 27, and 35 mVerification using minimum Qr conceptFigure 61. Surf zone and internal recirculation flow rates at Y27 for 15 regular wave experimentsVerification using gradient in Qs conceptFigure 64. Irregular wave test series: Longshore variation in surf zone flow rates, QsLongshore UniformityFigure 65. Regular wave Test 6N: Longshore uniformity of hydrodynamics vs length of surf zoneFigure 66. b. Regular wave Test 6N: Cross-shore distribution of mean water surface elevation (Part 2 of 3)Longshore Uniformity (Cont.)Figure 67. Irregular wave Test 8E: Longshore uniformity of hydrodynamics vs length of surf zoneFigure 68. b. Irregular wave Test 8E: Cross-shore distribution of mean water surface elevation (Part 2 of 3)Longshore Current Steadiness and RepeatabilityApplication to Sediment Transport ExperimentsFigure 70. Irregular wave Test 8E: Distribution of mean longshore current at downstream boundaryLongshore Sediment Transport ExperimentsIssue of Sand RechargingProcedures for Executing ExperimentsInstrumentation and measurement schemeComplexities of pumping the proper longshore currentFigure 71. Evolution of beach profile shape for the plunging-breaker caseSteadiness and repeatability of measurementsFigure 72. Repetitive measurements of mean longshore current during a single-wave run Figure 74. Measurements of significant wave height for successive wave runs at the same cross-shore transect for the plunging-breaker caseFigure 76. Measurements of mean longshore current for successive wave runs at the same cross-shore transect for the plunging-breaker caseFigure 77. Measurements of sediment concentration for successive wave runs at the same cross-shore transect for the spilling-breaker case ( top panel shows measurements from incipient breaker zone; bottom panel shows measurements from midsurf zone)Observed Beach ResponseFigure 79. Beach morphology after 6 hr of wave activity for the spilling-breaker case (elevations are in meters)Spilling-breaker caseFigure 80. Beach morphology after nearly 10 hr of wave activity for the spilling- breaker case (elevations are in meters)Plunging-breaker caseFigure 82. Beach morphology after nearly 10 hr of wave activity for the plunging- breaker case (elevations are in meters)Alongshore Uniformity of ProcessesFigure 83. Alongshore variation in beach profile shape for the spilling-breaker case (in the upper panel, still-water level is at an elevation of 0.9 m)Figure 84. Alongshore variation in beach profile shape for the plunging-breaker case (in upper panel, still-water level is at an elevation of 0.9 m)Figure 85. Alongshore variation in significant wave height for the spilling-breaker case Figure 86. Alongshore variation in significant wave height for the plunging- breaker caseSediment concentrationFigure 89. Alongshore variation in time-averaged mean sediment concentration or the spilling-breaker case (top panel shows results from the incipient breaker zone; bottom panel shows results from the midsurf zone )Performance of the Sand TrapsPerformance of the Sand Traps (Cont.)Figure 92. Volume change computed for each profileFigure 93. Total LST rates computed with and without corrections to account for anomalous volume change adjacent to the downdrift boundary for the spilling-breaker caseFigure 94. Total LST rates computed with and without corrections to account for anomalous volume change adjacent to the downdrift boundary for the plunging-breaker caseFigure 95. Cross-shore distribution of the LST rate for the spilling-breaker caseFigure 96. Cross-shore distribution of the LST rate, for the plunging-breaker case Conclusions - TR-01-220169Conclusions (Cont.) - TR-01-220170Conclusions (Cont.) - TR-01-220171References - TR-01-220172References (Cont.) - TR-01-220173References (Cont.) - TR-01-220174Appendix A: Hydrodynamic Data from Fixed-bed ExperimentsTable 2. Primary Data Set from Irregular Wave Test 8EFigure A1. Test 6N: Vertical structure of the mean longshore current at Y27Figure A2. Test 8E: Vertical structure of the mean longshore current at Y27Appendix B: Photographs of the Large- scale Sediment Transport Facility Figure B2. Four piston-type wave generators are shown with the facility drained.Figure B4. Wave gauges and current meters are co-located at various distributions across the width of the surf zoneFigure B6. The 20 vertical turbine pumps are mounted inside of the 20 independent sumps to ensure vortex free operation at maximum dischargeFigure B8. Pump No. 10 forces through either a 50- or a 100-mm-diam in-line flow sensorFigure B10. View of the wave guide at upstream end of the beachFigure B13. An overall view of the facility after the sand beach has been graded o have straight and parallel depth contoursREPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE - TR-01-22018614. (continued)TR-01-22