Sensor Calibration,
Measurement, and Data
This chapter describes the procedures developed for calibration of the
instrumentation in the LSTF, including the wave gauges, current meters, fiber-
optic backscatter sensors, beach profile indicator, and the sediment traps. In
addition, this chapter documents the procedures used for measurement and
analysis of the five different types of data that are normally measured during a
longshore sediment transport experiment in the LSTF. These data are: (a) time
series of instantaneous water level fluctuations; (b) time series of instantaneous
3-D flow velocities; (c) time series of instantaneous suspended sediment
concentrations; (d) bathymetric data of the moveable-bed beach; and
(e) longshore sediment flux data. In addition, the method used to accurately
control the water level in the facility will be discussed.
This chapter provides a significant amount of detail with respect to the
specific steps involved in calibrating the instruments and conducting an
experiment. In addition, many details related to the analysis of these data sets are
provided, such as a description of the steps involved in the automated GEDAP
procedures developed to analyze the wave and current data. These details should
be useful for those involved in conducting experiments in the LSTF.
Wave Data
As mentioned previously in Chapter 2, the 14 single-wire capacitance wave
gauges are used to measure instantaneous water level fluctuations (waves) in the
facility. There are 10 wave gauges mounted on the instrumentation bridge and
co-located with the current meters, as shown in Figure 40. In addition, four wave
gauges are located offshore, along the toe of the moveable-bed beach, as shown
with the facility drained in Figure B-5, Appendix B. These four gauges are
centered in front of each of the four wave generators to measure the
characteristics of the generated waves.
Chapter 8