(1992) presented a theoretical model that predicts similar trends in the vertical
velocity structure. ADV 6 was located at the position of incipient wave breaking.
Figure A-2 shows the vertical structure of the mean longshore current for the
irregular wave case (Test 8E). The mean longshore current in this case is also
rather uniform with depth. In the innersurf zone (ADV 1 through ADV 6), there
is a slight increase in current speed with distance from the bed, and the vertical
variations are similar to those measured for the regular wave case. In the outer
surf zone (ADV 7 and 8), the mean velocity is relatively invariant with depth.
This trend is different from that in the regular wave case, where the mean
velocity decreased slightly with increasing distance from the bottom. However,
in the regular wave case, no waves were breaking at ADV 7 and 8; whereas in
the irregular wave case, some wave breaking occurred in this region.
ADV 1: X = 4.12 m
ADV 2: X = 5.72 m
ADV 3: X = 7.12 m
ADV 4: X = 8.62 m
ADV 5: X = 10.12 m
ADV 6: X = 11.52 m
ADV 7: X = 13.12 m
ADV 8: X = 14.62 m
ADV 10: X = 18.62 m
Depth of Fixed-Bed
Mean Longshore Current (m/s)
Figure A1. Test 6N: Vertical structure of the mean longshore current at Y27
Appendix A
Hydrodynamic Data from Fixed-bed Experiments