5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
Table 5-1. Continued
Lomas Santa Fe
Solana Beach
As a by-product of a roadway project, 51,000 cy of material were placed at Fletcher Cove and 3,000 cy waebruary 1999
Drive Grade
placed at Tide Beach Park.
Presnell/Colton Sea Solana Beach
Construct one temporary geotube breakwater at the northern headland of Fletcher Cove and one 80-fooSprrioig 2000
tg nn
at the southern headland of Fletcher Cove to allow low volume beach fill in cove thereby providing access for
seawall construction
Fletcher Cove
Solana Beach
Redevelopment of Fletcher Cove Beach Park and surrounding business district including construction of 01-2002
20 a
Master Plan
parking garage, new lifeguard station, additional open space, pedestrian paths, and other upgrades.
Mission Beach
San Diego
This project would widen the existing Mission Beach Boardwalk by 12 feet (9 feet of concrete and 3 feePhase I began
t of
landscaped buffer). Construction of Phase 1 will include a 750-foot length of the boardwalk from Ventuirn early 2000
a to
Pacific Beach Drive. Funding for a portion of Phase I from Ventura Place to Santa Barbara Place is currently
available. Phase II will include that portion from the South Mission Beach jetty to San Fernando Place.
Phase III will include that portion from Pacific Beach Drive. to Oliver Avene and Phase IV would include
expansion between Pacific Beach Drive and Thomas Avenue. All construction will be limited to the months
between Labor Day and Memorial Day.
SD Underwater
San Diego
Creation of a 450-acre underwater recreation area, 1.85 miles from Mission Beach shoreline near borrow Sptreng 2000
si i
Recreation Area and
MB-1. Placement of a 360-foot-long sunken Canadian vessel, HMCS Yukon, to a depth of 100 feet to serve
HMCS Yukon
as diving and fishing area. Recreation area will serve as designated area for at least three more similar ships at
3 to 5 year intervals.
Global West Fiber San Diego
This project involves the placement of a fiber optic cable that runs offshore and parallel to the coastline 001
Optic Cable Project
between San Diego and San Francisco at 3 to 12 miles offshore. One onshore connection is proposed at
Mission Beach, near the terminus of Grand Avenue. The cable would lie approximately 3,000 feet north of
the proposed MB-1 borrow site.
U.S. Coast Guard's
Imperial Beach
Material from maintenance dredging for the Ballast Point berthing area resulted in placement of approximebely ry 2000
Fat rua
51,000 cy of material in the nearshore area just south of the pier in 1995. Permits were issued in 1999 for an
identical project for up to 45,000 cy of sand in the same offshore area, which was implemented in early 2000.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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