5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
projects listed in Table 5-1 represent a very small portion of the overall sand that used to enter these littoral
cells and the system will continue to lose sand to underwater canyons. No cumulative impacts are
No other reasonably foreseeable projects would use the borrow sites proposed under the Regional Beach
Sand Project. Project-level impacts, as assessed in Section 4.4 of this document, would be less than
significant. Accordingly, no cumulatively significant impacts would occur at the borrow sites.
Cultural Resources
The proposed action is the only project that would have a potentialeffect to underwater archaeological sites
as none of the other projects involved offshore dredging at this depth. The project itself would have no
significant impacts, following implementation of measures to monitor for and avoid resources, and there
would be no cumulative impact.
Land and Water Use
As discussed in Section 4.6, beach replenishment activities would generally be compatible withexisting land
and water uses. No inconsistencies with federal, state, or local land use plans have been identified and
most land use plans encourage beach replenishment. The reasonably foreseeable projects would start at
various times and would not create cumulatively significant impacts to land use. Given the various planned
start dates for the reasonably foreseeable projects, combined with the beneficial impacts to land use that
would occur with implementation of the proposed action, no significant cumulative land use impacts would
Recreational activities would be temporarily relocated to other localbeaches and dive sites during dredging,
sand placement, and construction activities. It is unlikely that other replenishment activities or other
reasonably foreseeable projects in the same vicinity would occur concurrently, which would enable
surrounding beaches to accommodate additional recreational users. Because beach closure would only
occur on a short-term basis, and nearby recreational opportunities would be continued, no cumulative
recreation impacts would occur.
Beach replenishment activities are designed to increase and enhance recreational opportunities at beaches
for both residents and tourists. The implementation of this action would increase the width and quality of
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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