5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
the proposed receiver beaches, increasing the value of beach recreational activities for both the local and
regional tourist industry. Implementation of this project would therefore cumulatively benefit the
recreational value of San Diego regional beaches.
Cumulative visual impacts are dependent on the scenic quality of the region and the type of proposed
project. The coastal region of San Diego County is considered to be highly scenic. Sand placement
activities and other reasonably foreseeable projects along the proposed receiver beach sites and adjacent
areas would result in short-term visual impacts that would cease at the end of construction activities. The
proposed action and other replenishment projects would be considered to have long-term beneficial visual
impacts, as beach replenishment would widen San Diego beaches currently affected by erosion and
improve coastal views. Therefore, implementation of these actions would have cumulatively beneficial
visual impacts along the coast.
Sand replenishment activities would occur in uninhabited areas reserved for recreational uses. There would
be no direct cumulative impacts to population or housing from this proposed action in conjunction with
other reasonably foreseeable projects. One element of the purpose and need of the project, and other
similar projects, is enhancement of this valuable resource which draws tourists and strengthens the
economy. Additionally, beach nourishment would protect residential structures. The proposed action and
others like it would result in beneficial impacts to the local and regional population and the economy.
Although temporary impacts to fishermen may occur due to restricted fishing areas during construction, no
cumulative impacts are expected to occur because this impact would be short-term. No cumulative impacts
are expected to occur to sensitive habitats (reefs), and therefore no cumulative impacts to the commercially
important species dependent upon those habitats are anticipated. Localized impacts may displace
fishermen from favored locations as the sand moves off the beaches and deposits on low relief hard
substrate and scattered reefs. As these areas are few, the aggregate size is small, other fishing areas will
remain available, and recent sand replenishment projects in the same area have not significantly impacted
North Countycommercialfisheries catch over the long-term, these impacts are not considered cumulatively
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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