5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
Table 5-1
List of Cumulative Projects
Oceanside Harbor
Oceanside Harbor is dredged annually by the USACOE to maintain sufficient depth for boat traffic. Drednnually in
A ged
material is typically disposed of by placing it on Oceanside beaches south of Tyson Street. The averagte e spring
amount of material placed on the beach is 175,000 cy. The most recent activity (February 2000) placed
272,000 cubic yards.
Oceanside Harbor
This project includes proposals to expand the existing marina access and capacity, expand the existing Falat2001
bo l
Precise Plan
launch, improve area beaches, and construct a marine research and interpretive center. The research center
and expanded boat launch ramp would be located in the eastern portion of the marina. The beach
improvement portions of the project would include constructing a boardwalk, picnic facilities, and concession
and public sanitation buildings on the Pacific Coast side of the marina. In addition, adequate additional
parking would be constructed as part of the amendment.
This proposed project is in the planning and engineering phase, and must complete the CEQA process.20t01 to 2003
Resort Project
consists of three hotel towers containing 150 time-share units on 10.3 acres. Construction is estimated at
approximately 2 years. The project area extends from the eastern beach edge inland adjacent to the Oceanside
Pier. During construction, it is anticipated that Pacific Street from Seagaze Drive to Civic Center Drive and
Pier View Way and Mission Avenue between Pacific Street and Myers Street would be closed to through
Buena Vista Lagoon Oceanside
The City of Oceanside has proposed to replace the existing weir at the mouth of the Buena Vista LagooSept. 2000
Weir Replacement
located at the border of the cities of Oceanside and Carlsbad. The project would replace the existing 50 foot
long weir with an 80- by 10-foot weir. The new weir design would decrease beach erosion downstream and
increase flows through the mouth of the lagoon during storm events while maintaining the freshwater
characteristic of the lagoon.
The Bandstand
The proposed project would relocate the existing sewer lift station near the Oceanside Pier south to TyFoll 2000
s an
Sewer Lift Station
Park. The project would involve lift station construction, as well as extensive construction along the Strand
for pipe installation.
La Paz County
This project involved an exchange of San Diego trash for Arizona sand. Solid waste was shipped to ArMorch 1997
iza na
and the sand displaced was used to replenish San Diego regional beaches. Approximately 1,000 cy of sand
Pilot Program
were placed on the beach at the foot of Oceanside Boulevard. This project has been discontinued and no
additional phases are planned.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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