5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
Public Health and Safety
Safety measures associated withthe proposed actioninclude onshore and offshore closure to public access,
safety buffer zones, onshore barricades, and safety personnel as necessary. Other beach nourishment
projects would institute the same type of buffer zones and barricades. These safety measures would only
be utilized on a short-term basis for the length of individual beach replenishment activities. Although
seasonal lifeguard towers may need to be temporarily relocated during replenishment activities, impacts
would not be significant. No cumulative impacts are expected to occur along the length of the pipeline since
the pipe would be buried or spanned by access ramps at critical public and lifeguard access points.
Navigational signage would be placed around a 500-foot buffer surrounding the borrow site, as well as
along floating or submerged sections of the sand transport pipe, to alert boats to remain outside of the
construction activities. Other proposed projects would not utilize a similar pipeline delivery system from
borrow sites. Therefore, no cumulative impacts to public health and safety are expected to occur.
5.2.10 Utilities and Structures
Regional demand for existing utility services such as water, sewer, gas and electric, solid waste, and
wastewater would not be incrementally increased by implementation of the proposed action. Short-term
cumulative interruption of services would be avoided by project-by-project monitoring efforts. It is not
anticipated that any long-termdisruption impacts would occur. Therefore, no cumulative impacts to utilities
or structures are anticipated.
5.2.11 Traffic
As discussed in Section 4.11, there would not be long-term traffic impacts because only a minor increase
in vehicular activity to the receiver sites is anticipated and because construction would be temporary.
Cumulative impacts would not be significant when considering the other reasonably foreseeable projects,
since few projects would require the use of the same routes for construction vehicles at the same time of
the Regional Beach Sand Project's construction activities.
5.2.12 Air Quality
The analysis of air pollutant emissions to determine conformance to ambient air quality standards is a
regional analysis that, by its nature, is cumulative. The state implementation plan (SIP) and 2010 emissions
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