5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
Table 5-1. Continued
U.S. Navy
Oceanside, Del Mar As part of a project to dredge the North Island berthing area and the main navigation channel into San Dnego
E i ded
and San Diego
Harbor, up to 5.5 million cy were permitted for beach nourishment at 11 receiver sites in the San Diego October 1997
region. The project was discontinued in 1997 when munitions were found in the dredged material. Before
termination, Oceanside received 102,000 cy of sand that was placed onshore. Approximately 170,00 cy were
placed in the nearshore zone off Del Mar and 12,000 cy were placed in the nearshore off Mission Beach.
CDFG Artificial
Various locations
CDFG has been permitted by the USACOE to place up to 22,000 tons of rubble at the kelp reef site nearVarious
Reef Program
offshore of the San
MB-1. With an additional 22,000 tons of material, the total amount of rubble placed at the kelp reef site
Diego Region's
would be 35,000 tons. The purpose of the rubble is to create hard bottom surfaces so that kelp may attach.
Page 5-6
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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