5.0 Cumulative Projects and Impacts
Coastal Wetlands
Dredge and discharge operations associated with the proposed action and other sand replenishment
projects in the area are being implemented for the purpose of beach enhancement and replenishment. No
cumulative impacts to coastal wetlands are expected beyond those discussed for the individual sites. Inlet
maintenance programs currently sustain Loma Alta Creek, Buena Vista Lagoon, Agua Hedionda Lagoon,
Encinas Creek, Batiquitos Lagoon, San Elijo Lagoon, San Dieguito Lagoon, and Los Peasquitos Lagoon.
Also, as described in Section 2.5 of this document, SANDAG would participate in a four-year monitoring
effort to help determine potential impacts to lagoons associated with this specific project. These
maintenance programs ensure the continued value and function of the wetlands. Therefore, no significant
cumulative impacts to coastal wetland functioning would occur with implementation of the proposed action.
Water Resources
The proposed action would be implemented in accordance with RWQCB permit specifications and
monitoring per the framework described in Section 2.5. The proposed action incorporates training dikes
to reduce, as much as possible, water quality/hydrological impacts. All identified cumulative projects are
required to comply with permit guidelines as well. The proposed project would not produce long-term
turbidity at the borrow sites or receiver sites; as impacts would be temporary, no cumulative impacts would
result when considered in conjunction with other reasonably foreseeable projects. Cumulative impacts
would be less than significant.
Implementationofthe proposed action and other beach replenishment projects would be expected to cause
short-term cumulative impacts to nonsensitive species (mobile and nonmobile invertebrates) that inhabit the
intertidal and surf zone of the sandy beaches where replenishment activities would occur. However, upon
completion of replenishment activities, these nonsensitive species would repopulate the affected areas.
Strict engineering design of specific projects would ensure that beach replenishment is limited to areas that
would not have long-term impacts to sensitive habitats or species. No impacts to grunion would be
anticipated to occur, due to implementation of a monitoring programs that would halt replenishment
activities if grunion were observed spawning. In fact, creation of larger sandy beaches may benefit grunion
and other species such as shore birds. There is uncertainty in predicting long-term indirect impacts from
adding cumulative quantities of sand to this inherently dynamic ocean system. All the sand replenishment
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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