4.13 Noise
Impacts of Alternative 1b
Under this alternative, the same receiver sites would receive sand and the same borrow sites would be
dredged for material, but operations would occur over a different schedule. At receiver sites where local
noise ordinances prohibit night and weekend work, the work schedule would be limited to comply with the
ordinances. There would be no potential significant impact related to violation of hours limitations, and no
variances would be required or obtained.
There would be adverse, but not significant nighttime noise impacts at the Batiquitos, Leucadia, Moonlight
Beach and Cardiff receiver sites as described for Alternative 1a. Residents near these sites would be
notified at least one week prior to the start of the work, and the period of nearest impact would not exceed
three consecutive days. The noise from dredge and booster pump operations would be the same as for
Alternative 1a.
No significant impacts have been identified; accordingly, no mitigation measures are necessary.
4.13.3 Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Alternative 2a, like Alternative 1a, specifies work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Nighttime and
weekend work is prohibited by local ordinance at the South Oceanside, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Mission
Beach and Imperial Beach receiver sites. Night and weekend work at the Torrey Pines site might also be
limited if the Del Mar ordinance prevented the night and weekend operation of a booster pump conveying
sand to Torrey Pines. Implementation of Alternative 2a would be a potential significant impact. In order
to avoid a significant impact, SANDAG would obtain a variance, or equivalent, from each applicable local
authority prior to the commencement of work at each site. As described under Alternative 1a, construction
would only proceed under the schedule allowed by ordinance or variance; therefore, there would be no
significant noise impact.
Impacts at the sites with beach front or bluff top homes or businesses would be the same as those
described for Alternative 1a, with likely adverse, but not significant nighttime noise impacts. Residents near
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.13.wpd 7/19/00