4.13 Noise
these sites would be notified at least one week prior to the start of the work, and the period of impact
would not exceed three consecutive days. There would be no potential impacts to residents near the North
Carlsbad, Batiquitos, Leucadia or Moonlight Beach sites, as these sites would not be used with Alternative
The South Carlsbad South receiver site, not a part of Alternative 1, would be included in Alternative 2.
The sensitive receptor area at this site is the South Carlsbad State Beach Campground, located on the bluff
above the beach. Construction equipment generated noise levels at this site would be similar to those
described for bluff top sites in Alternative 1a, approximately 70 dBA for short peak noises, and 60 dBA
Leq for an hourly average. There would likely be some adverse, short-term, but not significant noise
impacts. The character of impact would be slightly different from that at the bluff top homes, as the
background ambient noise at the camp sites would have more traffic noises, and the residents tents would
provide less noise insulation than a normal home. Visitors to the campground would be notified at least one
week prior to the start of the work, or as soon as feasible, given the transient nature of campground
occupancy. The period of nearby impact would not exceed three consecutive days.
Sensitive bird species (California least tern or western snowy plover) would be located far enough away
that even peak noise levels would be lower than the ambient noise generated by wave action (Table 4.13-
No significant impacts have been identified; accordingly, no mitigation measures are necessary.
Impacts of Alternative 2b
Under this alternative, the same receiver sites would receive sand and the same borrow sites would be
dredged for material as for Alternative 2a, but operations would occur over a different schedule. At
receiver sites where local noise ordinances prohibit night and weekend work, the work schedule would be
limited to comply with the ordinances. There would be no potential significant impact related to violation
of hours limitations, and no variances would be required or obtained.
There would be adverse, but not significant nighttime noise impacts at the south Carlsbad South receiver
site as described for Alternative 2a and at the Cardiff receiver site as described for Alternative 1a.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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