4.10 Structures and Utilities
Imperial Beach
The public access ramp and gated access road are located above the proposed fill area and would not be
impacted by sand replenishment. Emergency vehicle access at the ends of Admiralty Way and Descanso
Avenue would not be impacted. If sand replenishment occurs during the summer season when the lifeguard
tower is located within the receiver site, SANDAG would coordinate with the City of Imperial Beach to
temporarily relocate it during construction. Section 4.9 (Public Health and Safety) addresses the effects
of lifeguard tower relocation and beach usage.
Borrow Sites
Impacts to structures and utilities located within the proposed borrow sites are discussed in Section 4.6
(Land Use).
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1a
No significant impacts to utilities or structures were identified; no mitigation measures are required.
Impacts/Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1b
This alternative would differ from Alternative 1a in that construction of the proposed action would comply
with applicable jurisdictions' noise ordinances (refer to Table 2-2). Because dredging and replenishment
activities would take a longer amount of time, the receiver sites would be closed longer than under
Alternative 1a (refer to Table 2-2 and Table 2-4). Although this alternative would take longer to
implement, it would still be short-term.
As with Alternative 1a, replenishment would result in a beneficial impact to structures and utilities by
stabilizing them; no significant impacts to structures and utilities are anticipated. Accordingly, no mitigation
measures would be necessary.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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