4.10 Structures and Utilities
4.10.3 Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Receiver Sites
Implementation of this alternative would result in similar effects to structures and utilities as analyzed for
Alternative 1. Sand placement is beneficial for structures since it provides additional support and protection
against erosion and storm damage during winter months.
At the South Carlsbad South receiver site, the bottom portion of the public access stairway located at the
State Beach may be covered by fill during sand placement. However, this action would tend to stabilize
the stairways and structures. In addition, two lifeguard towers are located onsite with base elevations
ranging from 6 feet to 12 feet. These towers are removed during the winter season and placed against the
bluff north of the receiver site. If sand placement occurs during the summer season when the towers are
within the site, SANDAG will coordinate with the City of Carlsbad to temporarily relocate the towers
during construction. For public health and safety issues related to lifeguard towers, refer to Section 4.9
(Public Health and Safety).
Borrow Sites
Impacts to structures and utilities located within the proposed borrow sites are discussed in Section 4.6
(Land Use).
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
No significant impacts to utilities or structures were identified under this alternative. Therefore, no mitigation
measures are required with project implementation.
This alternative would differ from Alternative 2a in that construction of the proposed action would comply
with applicable jurisdictions' noise ordinances (refer to Table 2-6). Because dredging and replenishment
activities would take a longer amount of time, the receiver sites would be closed longer than under
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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