4.11 Traffic
The replenishment of beaches with the most existing sand, such as Del Mar and Mission Beach, would also
increase the attractiveness of the beach. However, the increase in use is likely to be less pronounced than
at the currently rocky beaches, and increases in traffic and parking congestion would also be less.
The most severe traffic and parking congestion would continue to occur on warm summer weekends and
holidays, and the improvement of the beaches with sand replenishment may induce additional use that
would marginally increase the congestion. Traffic and parking congestion at beaches is an accepted
occurrence, and it is not common practice to design infrastructure to accommodate these peak loads.
Additionally, the relatively limited amount of sand placed at an individual receiver site is predicted to remain
noticeable at the beach for an average of two years (Table 4.1-1). This would reduce the long-term
attractiveness of a site relative to other nearby locations, or to its condition prior to project implementation.
The long-term impact of the proposed beach sand replenishment on traffic and parking would not be
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1a
No mitigation would be required.
With implementation of the longer construction schedule proposed under Alternative 1b, construction
vehicles would require vicinity parking and access for a longer period of time, and more construction
vehicle trips would result. Impacts during replenishment activities would still be less than significant due to
the short-term nature of this alternative. No mitigation measures would be necessary.
The post-replenishment impacts would be the same as for Alternative 1a, and would not be significant. No
mitigation measures would be necessary.
4.11.3 Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Alternative 2 would result in similar impacts to those described for Alternative 1. Impacts would be less
than significant.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.11.wpd 7/19/00