4.10 Structures and Utilities
Several properties along this stretch of beach have sea walls. Although weep holes (i.e., small holes
designed to drain accumulated water) would be covered upon implementation of the proposed project, the
majority of sea wall tops would not be covered. Several properties have terraced sea walls and
landscaping; the lower terraces of which would be covered by the sand fill. As additional sand fill would
stabilize the shoreline and protect against erosion, implementation of Alternative 1 would not significantly
impact sea walls in the vicinity of the North Carlsbad receiver site.
Lifeguard Tower No. 9, although a temporary structure, is surrounded by rocks for erosion protection, and
is not moved during the winter season. Sand would be placed as close to the tower as possible to provide
additional protection against damage. The viewing platform for this tower is approximately 18 feet above
MLLW, and the proposed beach fill would be approximately 12 feet above MLLW. As such, no viewing
interference would occur to this lifeguard tower. No negative impacts would occur to the tower with
implementation of the Alternative 1.
South Carlsbad North
The only structure located within the sand receiver site is Lifeguard Tower No. 13, which is located high
on the bluff above the sand. No impacts would occur to the tower with sand placement.
The storm drain at Moorgate Road is approximately 4.9 feet above the sand, and the proposed fill at the
Batiquitos receiver site would be approximately 12 feet above MLLW. Measures to ensure continued flow
through the storm drain would be implemented to prevent impacts to the storm drain.
The lower portions of both the public and private access stairs may be covered withsand. This would have
the beneficial effect of stabilizing the structures. Sand placement would not extend past the sea wall,
although some weep holes may be covered during sand placement. Although portions of the vegetated
groundcover may be covered by fill, no impacts would occur because the fill would minimize erosion,
similar to the groundcover.
If placement occurs during the summer season, when the lifeguard towers are located on the beach,
SANDAG would coordinate with the State to temporarily relocate the towers from the site during
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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