4.10 Structures and Utilities
construction. For public health and safety issues related to lifeguard towers, refer to Section 4.9 (Public
Health and Safety).
Lower portions of the public access stairways, ramp, and seasonal lifeguard tower would not be covered
by fill during sand placement, as the receiver site does not encompass these structures. Beneficial impacts
would occur to the numerous private stairways that extend to the beach within the receiver site footprint,
as the proposed fill would provide additional support.
Moonlight Beach
Storm drain pipes are located at the end of B Street at Moonlight State Beach and include one 36-inch,
one 60-inch, and three 48-inch pipes. The invert elevations of these storm drain outlets are approximately
8 feet above MLLW, which is approximately 2 feet below the top of the proposed beach fill. Low
drainage flow typically seeps under any sand or cobble that has accrued over the outlet at these locations.
During heavy drainage discharge, the flow creates its own path to the ocean. Nonetheless, sand placed
at the receiver sites near the storm drain pipes would be excavated to allow proper drainage. Adverse
impacts to storm drain outlets would be consequently avoided.
Public access stairways are located within the vicinity of the proposed receiver site, with stairway base
elevations ranging from 1.6 to 11.5 feet. Alternative 1 would cover the bottom portion of the stairways
with fill, which would tend to stabilize the stairways and structures. Beach access would not be affected
by implementation of Alternative 1.
The lifeguard towers located at B and C Streets are not moved during the winter season. Sand would be
placed as close to the base of the towers as possible and would provide beneficial impacts to the towers
through stabilizationand reduced erosion. Both towers' platforms are approximately 18 feet above MLLW
because they are located on a berm. The proposed beach fill would be approximately 12 feet above
MLLW. As such, no viewing interference would occur to this lifeguard tower, and no impacts would
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.10.wpd 7/19/00