4.10 Structures and Utilities
the beach is located north of the creek. No adverse impacts to this structure would occur as a result of
Alternative 1. Existing private stairways to the beach may be partially covered. No impacts would occur,
however, because the fill would provide additional protection to the stairway and would not impact access
to the beach.
Sand placement around stationary lifeguard towers within the replenishment footprint would be conducted
by placing sand around the towers without removing them. The proposed fill at Tower No. 9 would not
be higher than the lifeguard's line-of-sight since the tower is raised atop the concrete/rip-rap structure. At
Tower No. 11, the proposed fill would be approximately 13 feet above MLLW compared to the
lifeguard's platform just under 11 feet above MLLW. As described in Section 2.4, the portion of the
proposed fill that is higher than the viewing platform would be removed to preserve line-of-sight views for
lifeguards. The sand will provide additional protection against storm surge damage and would temporarily
benefit the lifeguard towers; no adverse impacts would occur.
North Carlsbad
The Buena Vista Lagoon Weir north of the receiver site would not be impacted by any sand placed within
the site boundaries. Its associated drainage outlet structure is located adjacent to the bottom of the public
access stairway off Ocean Street, with two storm drain outlets located approximately 8.5 feet above the
existing beach surface at the base of the stairs. The top of the proposed sand fill would lie approximately
9.6 feet above the existing surface. Potential impacts could occur if beach replenishment activities blocked
the opening of the drains and interrupted service. However, implementation of Alternative 1 would require
storm drain discharge flow paths to remain unobstructed; therefore, significant impacts to storm drains
would not occur.
As discussed in Section 3.10, public access stairs are located off Ocean Street, Beech Avenue, Grand
Avenue, and Carlsbad Village Drive. In addition, several residential properties have private stairways for
beach access, several of which reach the beach surface. Many private stairways end above the beach
surface. Although implementation of Alternative 1 would raise the beach surface and cover the bottom
portion of some of these stairways with sand, beach access would not be restricted. Some existing stairs
may reach the sand surface which would be a beneficial effect. Overall, adverse impacts to access stairs
would not occur upon implementation of Alternative 1. Beach access via the access road at Pine Avenue
would not be impacted, since sand placement would not extend past the base of the road.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\sect-04.10.wpd 7/19/00