4.11 Traffic
This traffic impact section addresses the potential for the various alternatives to impact existing vehicular
traffic and parking conditions in the vicinity of the receiver sites. It acknowledges the attractiveness of
beaches during summer and potential parking conflicts. The analysis would not change given a spring
construction start instead of late summer. Vessel traffic and safety concerns are discussed in Section 4.9
(Public Health and Safety).
4.11.1 Significance Criterion
Traffic and parking impacts would be significant if beach replenishment activities resulted in a long-term
impact to access routes, local streets, or parking areas in the vicinity of the receiver sites.
4.11.2 Alternative 1
Impacts of Alternative 1a
Implementation of Alternative 1 would require delivery of construction equipment and the commuting of
work crews to the receiver sites. Construction vehicles would be driven to and kept on site for the duration
of beach replenishment activities. At a maximum, 12 personnel would be working at a receiver site at any
one time. Beach replenishment activities associated with Alternative 1 would not significantly affect traffic,
as Alternative 1 would generate very few trips. The small increases in traffic volumes during replenishment
would be temporary; and no long-term impacts to existing traffic and circulation patterns would occur.
Replenishment personnel would park in public parking areas and would not create significant parking
impacts given the small number of spaces required at each site.
Subsequent to the completion of replenishment, some changes in traffic could also occur. The
replenishment of receiver sites where there is currently little sand, such as Moonlight and Cardiff, could
make these locations more attractive to both residents and tourists, and it is expected that traffic could
increase accordingly. The use of parking would also increase. Some of the increase would come from new
users, and some would come from users of adjacent, currently sandy, but less convenient beaches. In the
latter case, there would be some decrease in traffic at the adjacent beaches.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
Page 4.11-1
99-69\sect-04.11.wpd 7/19/00