U.S. Army Engineer District,
to other wave-influenced wetland
Mark H. Hudgins (Norfolk) (Mark.H.
Los Angeles. Monitoring at Ventura,
environments whether they are
CA, where a high-density polyethyl-
located in bays, on lakes, or in other
and Gregory P. Bass (Baltimore)
ene reef (HighwaveTM) will be con-
low-energy ocean environments.
structed for the purpose of retaining
District POC: John H. Winkleman
sediment on the shoreline, enhanc-
U.S. Army Engineer District,
ing recreational surfing conditions,
San Francisco. Construction at a
and providing marine habitat
U.S. Army Engineer District,
tidal wetland environment located in
(Figure 9). Private venture capital
Los Angeles. Construction in San
east San Francisco Bay, CA, that is
will fund design, construction, and
experiencing loss of substrate due to
maintenance of the structure. District
with the State of California and the
POCs: Chuck Mesa (Chuck.Mesa@
San Diego Association of Govern-
by wind and vessel traffic (Figure 8).
sp101.usace.army.mil) and Arthur T.
ments beach-fill program. The objec-
The abatement of coastal wetland
Shak (Arthur.T.Shak@sp101.usace.
tive of the project will be to imple-
erosion is a challenge due to the
ment an innovative structural alter-
environmental and visual effects of
U.S. Army Engineer District,
native that will retain sand on the
traditional shore protection methods.
Buffalo. Construction of a lim-
beach and extend the renourishment
Since the site is currently an envi-
ited-length submerged breakwater
interval. District POCs: Chuck Mesa
ronmentally healthy marsh system, a
and lake bed paving (i.e., beach
shore protection device that can be
nourishment using a range of coarse
mil) and Arthur T. Shak (Arthur.T.
installed with limited collateral
grain sizes) at the Sheldon Marsh
damage is needed. Knowledge
Nature Preserve, Huron, OH
gained at this site will be applicable
Figure 8. Wetland and coastal bank erosion in east San Francisco Bay, along the Pickleweed Trail, Martinez, CA.
Environmentally- and aesthetically-desirable methods will be demonstrated to prevent bank erosion in this region of
moderate wave energy and high-tide range