Expressed permission from the
evaluations, graphics, links to
Lake Erie and other Great Lakes
appropriate source will be obtained
related Web sites, points of contact,
sites. District POCs: Thomas J.
by ERDC before any proprietary or
etc. Three classes of technology
Bender (Thomas. J.Bender@lrb01.
copyrighted material is included in
solutions include coastal armoring and Michael C.
the database. The information
(e.g., revetment/ armor units,
Mohr (Michael.C.Mohr@lrb01.
provided to the database will be of
seawalls/retaining walls), sediment
eminent service to coastal engineers,
retention devices (e.g., breakwaters/
scientists, public officials, and coastal
reefs, groins, headland structures)
Request for Database
and "soft" solutions (e.g., beach
applicability of innovative solutions to
nourishment, beach dewatering,
coastal erosion challenges.
bioengineering). Included in the
database will be information
A database is being developed to
regarding innovative construction
Additional Information
document installations and case
techniques and materials for the
examples of innovative shoreline
three classes of solutions.
erosion control methods. This
Additional information regarding
Anyone who has participated in
database and information on
the National Shoreline Erosion
the evaluation or implementation of
individual study demonstration sites
Control Development and
innovative or nontraditional methods
will be available through the
Demonstration may be accessed via
of coastal shoreline stabilization or
program Web site. In developing the
the Internet at
has knowledge of field application of
database, the Section 227 Program
unique approaches, and desires to
has surveyed academic institutions,
contribute to this important
Federal and State agencies, and
database, is urged to contact:
private consultants regarding recent
advancements in shoreline erosion
U.S. Army Engineer Research and
control technologies. The database
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of
Development Center
should serve as a clearinghouse for
Engineers. (1981). "Low-cost
innovative coastal erosion control
shore protection: Final report on
information. It will be populated with
the Shoreline Erosion Control
3909 Halls Ferry Road
information such as methods or
Demonstration Program (Section
Attn: CEERD-HC-S, Mr. Ryan Winz
product descriptions, functional
54)," Washington, DC.
Vicksburg, MS 39180
performance summaries, references
documenting laboratory or field