Overview of the National Shoreline Erosion Control Demonstration ProgramFigure 1. Borough of Cape May Point, NJ. Narrow-crested submerged reef structures (BeachsaverTM) will enclose groin cells to be used to retain beach-fill materialFigure 2. BeachsaverTM reef units to be implemented at Cape May Point, NJ, demonstration siteFigure 3. Lowlying upland areas and cohesive material outcrop on Jefferson County, TX, beachFigure 4. Frozen perched groundwater seeps at Allegan County, MI, on the eastern shore of Lake MichiganFigure 5. Dune LadderTM, which will be implemented at Gilgo Beach, Jones Island, NY, combines a structural and vegetative approach to prevent coastal dune erosionFigure 7. Example of erosional hot spot area at Miami Beach, FLFigure 8. Wetland and coastal bank erosion in east San Francisco Bay, along the Pickleweed Trail, Martinez, CAFigure 9. Conceptual drawing of the high-density, polyethylene HighwaveTM to be constructed at Ventura, CARequest for Database InputThe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Field Research Facility: More Than Two Decades of Coastal ResearchFigure 1. Aerial view of the Field Research Facility showing pier, buildings, and observation towerFigure 2. Concrete abrasion collar being placed over a piling during pier constructionFigure 3. Sensor Insertion System (SIS) with instrumented boom deployed during storm conditionsFigure 4. Coastal Research Amphibious Buggy (CRAB) preparing to deploy Naval Postgraduate School instrumented sled during DUCK94 experimentFigure 5. One of the Field Research Facility's Lighter Amphibious Resupply Cargo (LARC-V) vehicles conducting a Figure 7. Directional wave spectra collected at the 8-m Directional Wave Array during the passage of Hurricane BonnieExperimentsFigure 8. DUCK85 sediment transport experiment, directed by Dr. Nicholas Kraus (CHL)Experiments (cont.)Figure 9. DUCK94 primary cross-shore instrument array being servicedFigure 10. Envelope of cross-section surveys during the SandyDuck experiment showing large variations of bottom topographyFigure 12. Diagram of beach states using time exposure video images modified from Lippmann and Holman (1990)Data AccessReferences - chl-01-10025References (cont.) - chl-01-10026Inlet Entrance Hydrodynamics, Grays Harbor, WashingtonFigure 1. Grays Harbor, WA, location map and field-data collection schematicFigure 2. Instrument tripodFigure 3. ADCIRC computation grid and details of Grays Harbor, WAFigure 4. Measured water levels and ADCIRC model results at bay stations 2 and 4Figure 6. Average peak ebb and flood currents (cm/sec) for first month of field-data collectionFigure 7. STWAVE model domain used in navigation studyFigure 8. Measured wave height and STWAVE model resultsFigure 9. Influence of current on wave heightFigure 10. Influence of water level on wave heightDeveloping a Lock Operation Strategy for Pool LoweringLock System ModelFigure 2. Model validation results for single-valve-filling operation, upper pool 221.4, lower pool 210.1Figure 3. Model validation results for single-valve-emptying operation, upper pool 221.4, lower pool 210.2Figure 4. Lock discharge rating curve, all tainter valves fully open and miter gates closedFigure 5. Valve schedule for establishment of steady flow, lock chamber initially emptyFigure 6. History of discharge, 10-min filling valve, 2.5-min emptying valve, emptying valve begins opening 1.5 min after initiation of filling valve operation, upper pool 221.4, lower pool 209.5Figure 8. History of cavitation index below valves, 10-min filling valve, 2.5-min emptying valve, emptying valve begins opening 1.5 min after initiation of filling valve operation, upper pool 221.4, lower pool 209.5Coastal and Hydraulics Newschl-01-1