conditions, the protective veneer of
initiated is located on the Gulf Coast
BeachsaverTM (Figure 2) and sills to
sand is eroded and the underlying
in Jefferson County, TX, about
retain sediment on the active beach
mud beach is exposed to waves for
50 km west of the Texas-Louisiana
further erosion (Figure 3). Due to a
border. The beach is representative
of New Jersey, Department of Envi-
deficit of sand in the littoral system
of beaches of the western Gulf
ronmental Protection, a project
and storm-related downcutting of the
Coast, which vary in texture and
implementation plan was approved
cohesive material, the eroded profile
and construction was initiated for
never recovers to its post-storm
veneer over mud with high concen-
continuous submerged breakwaters
state. The phenomenon of cohesive
trations of caliche nodules and shell
and sills across selected groin com-
profile downcutting is not unique to
material to dominantly sand with
partments in an effort to retain
the western Gulf Coast as it also
minor shell material. Typical topogra-
beach-fill material. An assessment
occurs in the Great Lakes and bay
phy consists of a flat-sloped near-
will be made to determine the effec-
environments of the Atlantic and
shore, a steep beach, and a wash-
tiveness of these structures when
Pacific coasts.
over terrace. The elevation of this
used to extend the renourishment
wash-over terrace, which is the high-
interval by retaining sand on the
est point on the shore, is slightly
active profiles contained in the groin
Texas General Land Office, the Jef-
above normal high-tide elevation.
cells. District POCs: Randall A. Wise
ferson County demonstration site will
Previous shore protection attempts
be designed with two primary shore-
(e.g., sheet pile or wooden bulk- and Susan S. Lucas
line erosion abatement goals in
heads) have since been removed by
mind: prevention of cohesive bottom
coastal storms.
downcutting and prevention of
U.S. Army Engineer District,
overwash. It is expected that these
The principal cause for shoreline
Galveston, Jefferson County, TX.
goals will be addressed though a
recession in the area is storm-
combined use of geotextile
related erosion. Under storm
The second demonstration site to be
Figure 2. BeachsaverTM reef units to be implemented at Cape May Point, NJ, demonstration site. The narrow-crested precast
concrete units will enclose groin cells to serve as sediment retaining structures