Figure 3. Lowlying upland areas and cohesive material outcrop on Jefferson County, TX, beach. Innovative measures will be
implemented at this site to prevent the landward overwash of beach sand, and to prevent erosion of the emergent and
submerged beach profile
location, lake level receding from the
the shoreline (Figure 4). Till bluffs
structures, beach nourishment, and
toe of the actively eroding bluff
vegetative methods. District POCs:
exist also along the New England
coast, in river valleys, and in count-
Robert K. Sherwood (robert.k.
nificantly contributing factor to slope
less lakes and reservoirs throughout
the northern U.S. and Canada. In
and Richard Medina (richard.
coastal scenarios, the blame for
The project area has been moni-
most slope movements is commonly
U.S. Army Engineer District,
tored for the past five years with
placed on toe erosion created by
Detroit, Allegan County, MI. The
respect to slope displacements
storm waves. Although other factors
shoreline at Allegan County, MI, is
versus causative factors by investi-
representative of many in the Great
gators at Western Michigan Univer-
tors to slope instability, they are typi-
sity (WMU). Study results demon-
Lakes region. Receding bluffs
cally ignored when erosion abate-
strate the significance of groundwa-
carved into glacial tills or lacustrine
ment strategies are planned. At this
ter activity as the prime contributor
deposits occupy over 60 percent of