U.S. Army Engineer District,
Project Implementation,
provide a specific level of storm
Jacksonville, Miami Beach, FL.
damage reduction and recreation
Fiscal Year 2001
benefit through the establishment
The City of Miami Beach was speci-
and maintenance of a design
fied in an amendment to the autho-
During fiscal year 2001, the Sec-
template. This design template must
rizing language as a demonstration
tion 227 Program will complete con-
provide protection for the life of the
site for implementation of innovative
struction at the Cape May Point, NJ,
project for realization of a satisfac-
erosion control methods. An
project location, and initiate con-
tory return on Federal and
erosional "hot spot" demonstration
struction at a second location (upon
non-Federal investments. A variety
project site at the City of Miami
satisfactory review of project imple-
of approaches are being considered,
provides an excellent opportunity to
mentation plans). Also during fiscal
including use of nearshore
address hot spot issues that are
year 2001, other projects will be
submerged breakwaters and
experienced in many Federal and
developed for several sites,
nearshore sand placement
non-Federal shore protection
strategies. The objective of the
projects. Three reaches of beach
structural approaches will be to
can be described as erosional hot
U.S. Army Engineer Districts,
maintain the design template by
spots within the Federally authorized
Baltimore and Norfolk (optional).
retaining sand on the shore. District
Dade County Beach Erosion and
Monitoring and documentation of
POC: Thomas D. Smith (Thomas.D.
Hurricane Protection Project
nearly two dozen completed T-head
(Figure 7). Shoreline recession in
groins, submerged breakwaters,
headland breakwaters, and other
local impacts of tropical and
classes of projects located on Mary-
extratropical storm events. The
land and Virginia shores of the
authorized project is designed to
Chesapeake Bay. District POCs:
Figure 7. Example of erosional hot spot area at Miami Beach, FL. Note the encroachment of the shoreline on the coastal
dunes at the apex of the hot spot. Innovative structural measures will be implemented to retain beach fill in these areas to
maintain the design beach-fill profile