Figure 9. Conceptual drawing of the high-density, polyethylene HighwaveTM to be constructed at Ventura, CA. The project
will be monitored to evaluate the response of the beach planform to the structure, and for structural stability
Figure 10. Sheldon Marsh, Huron, OH, is protected by a narrow barrier beach. Use of coarse-grained beach fill (commonly
called lake bed paving) and submerged structures will be implemented to prevent loss of wetland substrate and erosion of
the cohesive lake bed
(Figure 10). This project site will
structure to protect portions of a
proves effective, similar shore
provide an opportunity to evaluate
cohesive barrier beach and wetland
protection could have extensive
innovative soft shore protection in
substrate. If this submerged
application along former barrier
conjunction with an unobtrusive
breakwater and lake bed paving
beaches and wetlands in western