was originally developed to measure
12.2 m (40 ft) apart on center along
comprised of a coarse (~1 mm) frac-
sediment transport during storms but
the pier length, and 4.6 m (l5 ft)
tion with finer (~0.3 mm) sands. Off-
it has also found use as an ideal
apart across the width (Figure 2).
shore sediments are uniform and
diverless-platform to temporarily
The pier deck is 6.1 m (20 ft) wide
fine, decreasing to ~0.125 mm,
deploy or test oceanographic
and extends from behind the dune
1000 m (3,300 ft) from shore.
to a nominal depth of 6 m (20 ft), at
The Duck site was previously
a height of 7.6 m (25 ft) above the
The main FRF building was com-
occupied by the U.S. Navy as a
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of
pleted in 1980 with accommodation
target range for pilots operating out
1929 (NGVD). The influence of the
for a permanent staff of two and vis-
of the Oceana Naval Air Station in
pier on the adjacent bathymetry and
iting scientists. Originally designed
nearby Virginia. The Navy had
processes is a concern examined by
around a central garage to house a
recently decommissioned the site
Miller et al. (1983) and Elgar et al.
planned, but never constructed
and the 176-acre property was
(2001). These studies concluded
precursor to the SIS, the main build-
transferred to the Corps. Appropri-
that the pier had an effect that
ing immediately required modifica-
ately, research into dune stabiliza-
varied with wave and current condi-
tions to adjust for changes in equip-
tion using vegetation to reduce
tions and distance from the pier.
ment and a permanent staff of 10.
aeolian movement of sand from
The dining room and bunk rooms
Located on the pier is the Sensor
uncovering buried ordnance was
were turned into offices, the large
Insertion System (SIS), added in
already being conducted on the site.
garage went through several differ-
1990 (Figure 3). The crane-like SIS
ent configurations until it was con-
can be moved to any location on the
verted into offices, an electronics
pier and is equipped with wave
shop, and storage; and the kitchen
gauges, current meters, and sedi-
The FRF facility includes the
was conveniently moved into an
ment-transport sensors (Miller 2000).
560-m- (l,840-ft-) long research pier,
area that originally held shower
It can be operated in 5-m (16-ft)
a main office building, field support
stalls. In 1982, a vehicle garage was
waves and is able to reach 15 to
building, and an observation tower
added to the facility, and in 1991 the
24 m (50 to 75 ft) out from the pier
(Figure 1). The research pier is a
garage was expanded to include a
to minimize the local influence of the
reinforced concrete structure sup-
classroom, technical library, machine
pier on the measurements. The SIS
ported on steel pilings spaced
Figure 2. Concrete abrasion collar being placed over a piling during pier construction. The collars protect the piling from
erosion at the sand/water interface