Rectangular sub-regions
(x,y) location of corner points in
clockwise order beginning from upper
left point, number of intervals* between
points 1 and 2 and between points 3 and
*Number of intervals between points may be specified as different values for each line.
Program "trans" will ask the user a "yes/no" question regarding each method of specifying
the output location. A "no" answer skips to the next method. A "yes" answer will result
in additional prompts for input information. After the input is complete, the program
progresses to the next method.
Input File Format. The same output location data given in Table 1 is also used for the
"input file" option. The input file format is given below. The naming convention for this
file is "filename.pls". The "%" symbols are comments and are not read by program
"trans", however, lines beginning with "%" should not split the individual data blocks.
The meaning of each number is described in the data block. The sample file listed below
includes all available output options, denoted by their flags "&id" for node Ids, "&pt" for
(x,y) points, "&ln" for transects, "&rc" for rectangular sub-regions. The option blocks do
not need to appear in the order shown, nor do all option blocks need to be present. For
example, if the user wishes to specify data output from a single (x,y) location, then the
input file need only contain the "&pt" flag on the first line, the quantity of points (1 in this
example) on the second line, the x,y location of the point on the third line and the "end of
data" statement on the last line. Note that the "end of data" statement must be the last line
of the file.
% Top of File
% This file may be named *.pls, for point, line and square.
% This file provides information for selected output locations.