% Rectangular Sub-domain flag
% upper left corner
% upper right corner
% lower left corner
% lower right corner
% number of intervals between first two corners
% number of intervals between last two corners
-4.0 4.0
4.0 4.0
4.0 -10.0
-4.0 -10.0
end of data
7.8 Viewing Solutions in SMS
Any of the *.sol files created by program "trans" contain wave information that
can be read, viewed and printed by SMS. To do so, open SMS and then open the
corresponding *.geo file. The "Data Browser" tool (also found under the "Data" menu) is
used to import the solution file. After opening the "Data Set Browser" window, select the
"Import". When the "Import Data Set" window appears, select "Generic file". Choose
the appropriate *.sol file from the "Open" window. When viewing Amplitude/Phase
solutions, three time step values will appear in the "Time" window (to the right of "Scalar
data set") in the data set browser. The time value "0.0" corresponds to wave amplitudes
(which have values greater than or equal to 0.0). Time "0.5" corresponds to wave phases
(values from -1.0 to 1.0). Time "1.0" corresponds to sea surface elevation (both positive
and negative values). After choosing the type of solution to view, click the "Done"
button. The solution contours, or vectors if vector data has been selected, will appear