An animated view of the velocity and surface elevation can be created for viewing in SMS.
The file naming convention is "filename.alp".
Do you want output at selected locations (yes/no) ?
Amplitude and phase data can be extracted at discrete output points or along lines
(transects) or in rectangular sub-regions. The coordinates of the points, lines and sub-
regions may be specified directly from the keyboard or read from an input file. The input
file is most useful for collecting data at many points, as the process of entering all the data
point information by hand can become tedious. The naming convention for the output is
The following section addresses the use of the "output at selected
locations" option.
7.7.2 Selected Output at Points/Lines/Rectangular Sub-regions
As stated above, there are two available methods for specifying output locations;
by keyboard input and by reading from a file.
Keyboard input. Table 1 summarizes
the information needed for the "keyboard input"
option for extracting CGWAVE predictions at points, along lines and in rectangular sub-
regions. Results may be obtained for more than one type of location in a given "trans"
Table 1. Summary of Input Information, Keyboard-Selected Output Option
Method of Specifying Location
Keyboard Input Information Needed by
Program "trans"
Specific nodes
Total number of nodes, node numbers
(x,y) locations (points)
Total number of points, (x,y)
Lines (data collected along transects)
Total number of lines, (x,y) location of
start point, (x,y) location of end point,
number of intervals* between points.