with values that are specific for the new application. All the numbers must be present and
in the correct location, whether they are used or not.
7.5 Assembly of Input Information - Program "reform"
The program "reform" is used for assembling and converting all input information
into the format needed by CGWAVE. It reads the geometry, boundary condition and
general information files and constructs a unified input data file for CGWAVE. The
program also verifies some components of the provided data. Program "reform" makes
the central part of CGWAVE portable. In other words, a workstation may be used to
create and manipulate the graphics, and CGWAVE may be run on any other platform (PC,
mainframe, etc.). Also, because "reform" sorts and rewrites the data in clean, nested
groups, the same data set can be used to perform simulations with different incident wave
wave amplitudes and periods (to some extent, since resolution is wave period dependent),
etc. without going through the trouble of editing the general information file and re-
running "reform" for each case. This is done by simply editing a few lines in the top
sections of the data (*.dat) file. Another feature of "reform" that is especially useful is the
ability to check the grid resolution for the overall domain.
Here, the rectangular harbor test is used to demonstrate of the function of
"reform". Run the program "reform". After the informational header, the following
appears on the screen:
General information filename: (*.gen)
Boundary condition filename from SMS: (*.bc)
Output data filename for CGWAVE: (*.dat)