7.7.1 Program "trans".
Reformed data filename (used as input to CGWAVE) : (*.dat)
Wave potential file (output from cgwave): (*.out)
Please select one for output:
g General info only
t General info with complete text output
n None above
The "General info only" option prints text information about the input parameters and
number of iterations required to obtain the solution. The "General info with complete text
output" option adds the node numbers, location, computed wave amplitude and phase
information to the general information output. The naming convention used for the file is
Create output of amplitude and phase for SMS (yes/no) ?
This output provides information in a format that is readable by SMS and is used for
graphic viewing of amplitude, phase and sea surface elevation at time = 0. The naming
convention is "filename.sol". This convention deviates from the SMS *.sol file naming
convention in that the CGWAVE *.sol files are written in ASCII text format.
Create output of water particle kinematics (yes/no) ?
This output provides maximum horizontal velocities and pressure gradients. The naming
convention is "filename-kin.sol".
Create time series output file for velocity
and surface elevation animation (yes/no) ?