7.6 The Wave Model - Program "cgwave"
This is the main part of the CGWAVE model. When program "cgwave" is run for
the rectangular harbor case, the following prompts appear:
Input data filename: (*.dat)
Output wave potential filename: (*.out)
A block of information reviewing input parameters is printed to the screen. This is
followed by messages regarding the processing of input information. A "hot start" (or re-
start) option then follows:
A previous solution file as initial state (y/n) ?
Iterations Begin, Please Wait ......
The model will run until either the convergence parameter or the maximum number of
iterations parameter is met or exceeded. The solution will then be written to the file
(*.out) specified earlier. The "hot start" option allows the user to restart the model with
computations beginning from an old CGWAVE output file. This can be useful in the
event that the model is forced to write a solution (*.out) before the convergence criteria
have been reached.
This "partially converged" solution will occur if the "Maximum
Iterations for the Linear Equations" parameter is exceeded before the "Tolerance for
Convergence of Linear Equations" parameter is reached.
7.7 Post-processing the Output - Program "trans"
The output from program "cgwave" is a file (e.g. rect.out) which contains grid
information and calculated complex wave elevations. The program "trans" may be used to
convert these potentials into a readily usable format or to obtain output at desired