7.9 Instructions for CGWAVE Interface in SMS
(MODE-2 Usage)
7.9.1 Creating a Size Function
1. Import the .xyz data:
File Menu: choose Import
Select the XYZ data button.
Click OK.
Find and select an xyz data file (bp.xyz, for example), click OPEN.
2. In the Mesh Module follow these steps in sequence:
Data Menu: choose Switch Current Model.
Select CGWAVE.
Click OK.
CGWAVE Menu: choose Create Functions.
Leave only the Wavelength option on (turn all others off).
Enter desired value for period.
Click OK.
Data Menu: choose Data Calculator
Select a. Wavelength in text window (upper left).
Select "/" (divide symbol) in the calculator.
Enter desired number of elements in each wavelength (i.e.,10) as
Change the title "new data set" to "size" (i.e. name the newly created
Click on Compute.
Click Done.