(...blank line)
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
4) Wave Breaking (Yes=1,No=0) ? 0
(...blank line)
If Yes, Breaking Coefficient : 0.15
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
6) Solver (cg standard == 0, modification == 1) : 1
(...blank line)
Tolerance of Convergence for Linear Equations : 0.1E-8
Interval for Checking Convergence
: 100
Maximum Iterations for the Linear Equations : 100000
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
7) Tolerance of Convergence for Nonlinear Mechanisms : 0.0001
(...blank line)
Maximum Iterations for the Nonlinear Mechanisms : 8
(...blank line)
(...blank line)
end of data
This file provides the basic incident wave and boundary type information and
various control parameters for CGWAVE. Due to the programming methods used to read
the data from this file, the text must not be altered. The parameter values may be replaced