6.0 Other Considerations Required by CEQA/NEPA
The proposed action would result in temporary increase in a beach area and sand cover at each of the
receiver sites. A benefit of the project would be enhancement or continuation of the recreational usage of
each of the receiver sites. It must be emphasized, however, that such recreational benefits would be
temporary (a maximum lifespan of the project is approximately 5 years). For use in evaluating the growth
inducing impact of the proposed action, it is assumed that the level of beach use at each site would remain
near current levels or increase slightly. The resulting temporary recreational benefits derived from the
additional beach area would not be expected to increase the demand for public services and utilities, nor
create a need for additional recreational facilities above current projections.
CEQA Guidelines Section 15128 requires that the environmental document include a brief discussion of
various environmental issues that were determined not to be significant. The Initial Study prepared for
project (contained in Appendix B) evaluated several issues found not to be significant, and were therefore
not analyzed in this EIR/EA. These issues were hazards and hazardous materials, mineral resources, public
services, agricultural resources, and population and housing.
The remainder of the issue areas found in the Initial Study was evaluated in detail in this document in
Chapter 4.0. Environmental effects have been identified as either significant or not significant. Impacts
identified as significant were determined to exceed some or all threshold values expressed in this document
as "Significance Criteria." Effects found not to be significant did not exceed thresholds stated as
"Significance Criteria."
This analysis determined that the proposed San Diego Regional Beach Sand Project would not have a
significant effect on any of the evaluated issue areas. Although no long-term significant impacts are
expected, a monitoring plan would be implemented during construction and for five years following
completion, to verify no significant impacts. If monitoring identifies significant impacts, mitigation would be
provided with the commitments in Section 2.5.
In other instances, consequences of the replenishment were found to be beneficial, such as the positive
effect of enhanced local recreational opportunities for both residents and tourists.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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