4.9 Public Health and Safety
towers in place during summer months. If sand replenishment occurs during the summer season when the
temporary lifeguard towers are onsite, SANDAG will coordinate with the respective jurisdiction to
temporarily relocate the towers during construction. Temporary relocation would not impair the ability of
lifeguards to ensure public safety since this portion of the beach would be closed to the public during
construction activities. The towers would be replaced after sand placement, before the beach is reopened
for recreational uses. This alternative would benefit those areas threatened by bluff failure. However,
Encinitas beaches near fragile bluffs (i.e., Batiquitos, Leucadia, and Moonlight receiver sites) would not
receive this benefit under Alternative 2. No other differences exist between the alternatives that would
result in impacts to public health and safety. Accordingly, impacts would be less than significant.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
No mitigation measures would be necessary because no significant impacts have been identified.
Impacts/Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2b
This alternative would differ from Alternative 2a in that construction of the proposed action would comply
with applicable jurisdictions' noise ordinances (refer to Table 2-6). Because dredging and replenishment
activities would take a longer amount of time, public access to the actual zones of construction would be
closed for a longer period of time. Also, lifeguard towers would be moved for a longer period of time until
construction is completed. Although this alternative would take longer to implement, it would still be short-
term, and no significant impacts are anticipated. Accordingly, no mitigation measures would be necessary.
No Action Alternative
Under the No Action Alternative, no dredging or replenishment activities would occur. At some receiver
beaches, waves would continue to erode fragile bluffs that support property and structures, including
housing. The erosion would continue unabated. Public health and safety would likely deteriorate without
sand replenishment activities.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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