4.9 Public Health and Safety
location and schedule of the dredge would be published in the U.S. Coast Guard LocalNotice to Mariners.
Thus, local boaters should be aware of the location of the dredge. A hopper dredge would travel at
relatively slow speeds (approximately 1.7 knots) during actual dredging operations. The travel speed
would also be slow (approximately 5 knots) during the transport of sand from the borrow sites to the
receiver sites.
For vessel safety reasons, an approximate 500- by 500-foot buffer area would be maintained around the
dredge offshore waters, to allow proper anchoring and pump line operation. To ensure that no vessels
would enter the offshore restricted zone, the anchoring area would be included in the Notice to Mariners,
which is overseen by the U.S. Coast Guard. Also, any pump lines used during beach replenishment efforts,
whether they be floating or submerged, would be clearly marked as navigational hazards. This short-term
increase in vessel traffic would be negligible as compared to the total areal vessel traffic, and the limited
distance of travel to set and remove the pump line. Accordingly, significant impacts to public health and
safety would not result with implementation of this alternative.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1a
No significant impacts have been identified; accordingly, no mitigation measures would be necessary.
Impacts/Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1b
This alternative would differ from Alternative 1a in that construction of the proposed action would comply
with applicable jurisdictions' noise ordinances (refer to Table 2-2). Because dredging and replenishment
activities would take a longer amount of time, public access to the actual zones of construction would be
closed for a longer period of time. Also, lifeguard towers would be moved for a longer period of time until
construction is completed. Although this alternative would take longer to implement, it would still be short-
term, and no significant impacts are anticipated. Accordingly, no mitigation measures would be necessary.
Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Public health and safety impacts under this alternative would be similar to those described for Alternative
1. The South Carlsbad South receiver site proposed under this alternative also has temporary lifeguard
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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