Figure 4. Coastal Research Amphibious Buggy (CRAB) preparing to deploy Naval Postgraduate School instrumented sled
during DUCK94 experiment
the original 10 staff members1
with a cabin and AC power to sup-
environment, the staff has a unique
port data collection and survey work
(Figure 6) are still working at the
sense of the conditions to expect
(Figure 5).
FRF, and four of the current staff
and they have the knowledge of how
began work in 1985 or 19862. Part
to successfully deploy instruments in
of the attraction of working at the
the surf zone so they survive.
FRF is the lack of a usual routine.
Every staff member has multiple
Measurement Program
responsibilities, and every day is dif-
The FRF staff includes three sci-
ferentfrom rescuing boats at sea, to
Central to all studies at the FRF
entists, one engineer, two computer
preparing the facility for hurricane
are the long-term measurements
specialists, two civil engineering
evacuation or an invasion of scien-
that began in 1977 (Miller 1980).
technicians, one equipment special-
tists, to righting the CRAB after it
This program has evolved with the
ist, two electrical technicians, and an
turned over (only once, October
addition of new instruments and col-
office administrator. They are well
1987). In addition to conducting their
lection techniques. Measurements
known for their expertise in conduct-
own research, the staff also helps
currently being made include:
ing coastal field research and collec-
visiting scientists plan their experi-
! Wave height, period, and direc-
tively have nearly 200 years of
ments at the facility. Through their
experience conducting experiments
tion at 8- and 16-m (26- and
intimate contact with the
at the FRF and elsewhere. Six of
52-ft) depths;
Eugene Bichner, William Birkemeier, William Grogg, Michael Leffler, Carl Miller, Raymond Townsend
Clifford Baron, Kent Hathaway, Charles Long, Brian Scarborough