these coordinates will be either inside or outside the domain (and rarely on the exact
boundary indicated by the minimum depth.) By choosing "Approximate", the program
"resol" will locate a boundary point closest to the point specified. Note also that program
"resol" requires that the location of the estimated points should lie inside a rectangle (of
the background or raw data network) with at least one corner having a depth greater than
or equal to the minimum depth.
Number of Nodes per Wavelength. It is
strongly recommended
that at
least 10 or
points per wavelength be used whenever possible. A resolution of 7 or 8 points per
wavelength may yield a reasonable solution, but 6 should be treated as an absolute
minimum. 15 points per wavelength are sufficient for most applications.
Interpolate Between Land and Water. Other than some ideal cases with constant depth
(e.g. laboratory or analytical test cases), always answer yes to this question.
Minimum Node Spacing. This feature allows the user to limit the density of nodes (and,
indirectly, the total number of nodes) placed within the domain. This may be necessary for
extremely shallow regions or for very large domains. This feature can contradict the
"Number of Nodes per Wavelength" parameter, and should be used with caution. It is
recommended that the user set this parameter to a very small value (.001 or smaller) for
most applications.
7.3 Creation of Finite Element Grid
A description of the steps involved in creating a finite element grid and
constructing CGWAVE input files using SMS follows. This procedure describes MODE-
1 usage of CGWAVE. It is highly recommended that the user be fully familiar with the
MODE-1 usage, since the automated procedure for MODE-2 makes use of the steps
described below. In MODE-1, the user needs to create the following files: