Peclet number
Defines the relationship between element properties, velocity, and eddy viscosity for
the Peclet Method of assigning automatic turbulence.
Porosity of deposited sediment is volume of voids divided by the total volume of
Field data or physical model data.
The original, or basis for the new study.
Record length
In this context, a FORTRAN specific term dealing with the size of a data type in a
binary file.
Resource Management Associates
The TABS numerical models were initially developed by Dr. Ian King at Resource
Management Associates, (RMA), in Lafayette, California. An RMA representative
can be reached at (707) 864-2950. Dr. King now resides in Australia.
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RMA10 is a multi-dimensional (combining 1-D, 2-D either depth or laterally
averaged, and 3-D elements) finite element numerical model written in FORTRAN-
77. It is capable of steady or dynamic simulation of 3-dimensional hydrodynamics,
salinity, and sediment transport. It utilizes an unstructured grid and uses a Galerkin-
based finite element numerical scheme. The US Army ERDC-WES-CHL version is
based upon the work of Dr. Ian King of Resource Management Associates. Many
enhancements have been made to the WES version. Charlie Berger is the WES point
of contact. Add Charlie's E-mail ???
The one dimensional/two dimensional depth averaged hydrodynamic Finite Element
numerical model within TABS-MD.
The one dimensional/two dimensional depth averaged water constituent transport
Finite Element numerical model within TABS-MD.
In a river or stream bed, the material on the side slopes or the bottom, such as stones,
etc., which inhibit the flow.
162 Glossary of Terms
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