Field data
Data which has been collected at an existing, physical site, used when verifying the
Fine material
Particles of a size finer than the particles present in appreciable quantities in the bed
material; normally silt and clay particles (particles finer than 0.062 mm).
Fine-material load
That part of the total sediment load that is composed of particles smaller than the
particles present in appreciable quantities in the stream bed. Normally, that is of
sediment particles smaller than 0.062 mm.
Finite element
A method of solving the basic governing equations of a numerical model by dividing
the spatial domain into elements in each of which the solution of the governing
equations is approximated by some continuous function. This method lends itself
well to the river/estuarine environments because of its diversity in computational
mesh (element size, shape, orientation), flexibility of boundary conditions, and
An agent that produces flocs or aggregates from small suspended particles.
Flocculation agent
A coagulating substance which, when added to water, forms a flocculent precipitate
that will entrain suspended matter and expedite settling; for example, alum, ferrous
sulfate, or lime.
Flow fields
The domain in which the water flows.
(1) Pertaining to streams. (2) Growing or living in streams or ponds. (3) Produced
by river action, as a fluvial plain.
Fluvial sediment
Particles derived from rocks or biological materials which are transported by,
suspended in, or deposited by streams
Glossary of Terms 157
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