The process of supplying the numerical model a set of initial conditions which were
obtained from the results of a previous simulation.
Hydraulics Laboratory
See Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics
Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, merged with the Coastal Engineering Research
Laboratory in 1996 to form the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (WES-CHL).
The CHL provides TABS-MD Numerical Model maintenance and support for Army
Corps installations. .
Relates to the specific scientific principles that deal with the motion of fluids and the
forces acting on solid bodies immersed in fluids, and in motion relative to them.
A time series recording of the measurement of flow across a river or stream.
Material Type. A variable name used in TABS-MD programs to specify a number
representing the type of material within an element. The IMAT is located on the GE
card and is used to aid in assigning modeling coefficients.
Note: IMAT=0 is equivalent to assigning a land boundary around the element.
Inflow boundary
A boundary condition location at which flow and sediment concentration enter the
Interactive mode
Opposite of Batch mode. The program requires the user to respond to questions.
If the program is running on a mainframe computer, the program is time sharing the
CPU with other jobs, which can cause delays in some cases.
Repeating a sequence of instructions a specific number of times, changing
parameters and obtaining a new solution each time, until a predetermined condition
is met.
See also:
Junction element
A special element, consisting of 3 to 8 nodes, which defines the intersection of 3 to 8
one dimensional elements.
Glossary of Terms 159
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