Free field
A data format where spaces or commas separate the data items on the input line.
There is no fixed position in which the data is required to be located. Only the order
of the items is important.
Froude Number
A non-dimensional number indicating the ratio of inertial forces to gravitational
forces in a fluid. The Froude number is not important in SED2D because there are
no terms for gravity in the formulation.
Gaging station
A selected cross section of a stream channel where one or more variables are
measured continuously or periodically to index discharge and other parameters.
A movable barrier, such as a tide gate, in a river or stream.
Geometry File GENeration program used to create the computational mesh for all
TABS-MD applications.
Grain Size
See particle size.
HEC format
A naming convention for the style of run control input derived by Hydrologic
Engineering Center (HEC) in which each line of input is defined by a `Card Type in
data field 0' and the data follows in fields 1 through n.
Example, GN card with the N option:
Field 0 Field 1 Field 2
Field 3
Field 4
x coordinate
y coordinate
bottom elevation
158 Glossary of Terms
Users Guide To SED2D-WES