Non-Dimensional Analysis
See ND card and Appendix
Off-channel storage
A one dimensional element feature. The storage width associated with the node at
zero depth, as specified on GN or GW cards using the N option.
One dimensional element
A line segment composed of two corner nodes and one mid-side node. The
geometry is defined by cross section (a straight bottom line between corner nodes)
and reach length. The calculated velocity is averaged over the cross section.
Parameter revision
The process of modifying a run control input parameter during a simulation in the
middle of a time step. The REV card is used for this purpose.
Particle fall velocity
The falling or settling rate of a particle in a given medium. The standard fall velocity
of a particle is the average rate of fall that the particle would finally attain if falling
alone in quiescent distilled water of infinite extent and at a temperature of 24C. Fall
velocity is the most fundamental property governing the motion of the sediment
particle in a fluid; it is a function of the volume, shape, and density of the particle
and the viscosity and density of the fluid.
Particle shape
Sediment property defined by the shape factor, SF.
SF =
where a,b, and c are the lengths of the longest axis, the intermediate axis, and the
shortest axis, respectively.
Particle size
A linear dimension, usually designated as "diameter," used to characterize the size of
a particle. The dimension may be determined by any of several different techniques,
including sedimentation sieving, micrometric measurement, or direct measurement.
Particle-size classification
See Table B-1
Particle-size distribution
The frequency distribution of the relative amounts of particles in a sample that are
within specified size ranges, or a cumulative frequency distribution of the relative
amounts of particles coarser or fiver than specified sizes. Relative amounts are
usually expressed as percentages by weight.
Glossary of Terms 161
Users Guide To SED2D-WES