See Table B-1
An unacceptable term. Use sediment deposition, sediment discharge, or sediment
yield as appropriate.
SMS officially replaced FastTABS in 1996. A computer program that provides a
graphical, point and click means for performing pre- and post-processing for surface
water numerical models.
Developed at the Waterways Experiment Station and Brigham Young University.
Corps of Engineers employees may contact the Waterways Experiment Station for
more information via e-mail at SMS@erdc.usace.army.mil, or call (601) 634-3339.
Source code
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Hydraulics
Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, provides TABS-MD Numerical Model
maintenance and support for Army Corps installations. To find out about availability
and support for the TABS modeling system, contact the Coastal and Hydraulics
Laboratory via e-mail at SMS@erdc.usace.army.mil, or call (601) 634-3339.
Special elements
Junction element, transition element, or control structure element.
Specific gravity
Ratio of the mass of any volume of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of
water at 4 degrees C.
Specific weight of sediment deposits
The dry weight of sediment particles within a unit volume of the deposit expressed
as pounds per cubic foot.
Specific weight of sediment particles
The dry weight of sedimentary material per cubic foot of volume assuming no voids.
166 Glossary of Terms
Users Guide To SED2D-WES