See sediment load
Logical unit
Computer lingo used to associate a device number with a data file. In this
FORTRAN statement, 10 is the logical unit number:
Marsh Porosity
Manning's n value
n is the coefficient of roughness with the dimensions of T*L-1/3. n accounts for
the Manning's n value includes the effects of all losses, such as grain roughness of
the movable bed, form roughness of the movable bed, bank irregularities, vegetation,
bend losses, and junction losses. Contraction and expansion losses are not included
in Manning's n, but are typically accounted for separately.
Material type
A number representing the type of material within an element. The associated
variable is IMAT.
A collection of nodes and elements which defines the domain of the study area.
Mixed Bed
A point containing an x, y, and z coordinate which defines a location in space. Mid-
side nodes (x, y, z) are linearly interpolated from adjacent corner nodes, unless the
element side is curved.
Noncohesive Sediments
Sediments consisting of discrete particles. For given erosive forces, the movement
of such particles depends only on the properties of shape, size, and density, and on
the position of the particle with respect to surrounding particles.
See Sand.
160 Glossary of Terms
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