The process by which a model moves from an unrealistic set of initial conditions to
more realistic results that represent a solution that is not strongly influenced by the
initial conditions.
To estimate spin-up, calculate the time for a wave to travel the length of the mesh
and return.
The speed of the gravity wave is calculated as
S = gh
S = wave speed
g = gravity
h = depth
Steady state
A simulation in which the boundary conditions are static. The variables being
investigated do not change with time. SED2D considers the steady state simulation
time as hour zero.
Predecessor to the SED2D numerical model.
Suspended load
That part of the sediment load which is suspended sediment.
See Sediment load
Suspended sediment
Sediment that is carried in suspension by the turbulent components of the fluid or by
Brownian movement.
Suspended-sediment concentration
See concentration of sediment
System International
(SI) Formally named in 1960 by an international general conference on weights and
measures. This system provides exact definitions of the metric system units for the
fields of science and industry.
The TABS-MD Modeling System is comprised of four main programs: GFGEN,
RMA2, RMA4, and SED2D. Maintained by US Army ERDC-WES-CHL
Glossary of Terms 167
Users Guide To SED2D-WES