4.8 Socioeconomics
schedule their activities around the short-term dredge and construction activities associated with the
Impacts of Alternative 1b
The impacts of Alternative 1b would be similar to those identified for Alternative 1a, but they would be
proportionally less based on the lesser area of preclusion resulting from a lesser volume of sand placed on
the beaches.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 1b
No significant impacts were identified; therefore, no mitigation measures are required. The protocol would
apply for coordination with commercial fisherman in Section 2.4.
4.8.2 Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
The impacts of Alternative 2a would be similar to those identified for Alternative 1a, but somewhat smaller
in area and different in specific location. Under worst-case assumptions, partial sedimentation of less than
1.78 acres of reef that support some giant kelp is predicted. This partial sedimentation could occur near
two receiver sites (North Carlsbad, 0.73 acre; Solana Beach, 1.05 acres). Less than 0.24 acre of reef
area (to the south of the North Carlsbad receiver site) supporting surfgrass is predicted to experience
partial sedimentation under worst-case assumptions. While temporary adverse impacts to commercial
fisheries target species may occur on a localized basis, or at the individual fishing operation level due to
temporary displacement from favored fishing sites, no significant commercial fisheries impacts are identified
for Alternative 2a.
Mitigation Measures for Alternative 2a
No significant impacts were identified; therefore, no mitigation measures are required.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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