4.9 Public Health and Safety
Public health and safety concerns are those that could have an impact on the welfare of the public affected
by the proposed action. The following specific safety issues are addressed: public access and safety during
project construction, lifeguard services, recreational safety, vessel traffic and safety, and potential public
health and safety impacts resulting from the formation of beach scarps (i.e., the cut in the beach berm face
caused by wave action). Potential impacts to the lifeguard towers (structures) on individual receiver sites
are addressed in Section 4.10. While there would be more people present at each receiver site during the
summer period potentially effected by a spring construction schedule, but the overall impact conclusions
would not change given the short-term nature of the activity at any individual beach.
Significance Criteria
For this analysis, determination of significance of potential public health and safety impacts is based on the
level of safety precautions that would be implemented during replenishment activities. An impact to public
health and safety would be significant if it would:
create a health hazard or potential health hazard;
expose people to potential health hazards; or
create navigation hazards or result in unsafe conditions for vessel traffic.
Alternative 1
Impacts of Alternative 1a
Receiver Sites
The following analysis is applicable to all 12 possible receiver sites.
Public Access and Safety
During the implementation of Alternative 1, the active construction zones at each receiver site would need
to be closed to public access to prevent an unsafe condition. This is due primarily to the amount of heavy
equipment that would be used to grade the beaches at these sites. Accordingly, during discharge
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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